Driver 23 & The Atlas Moth

Driver 23 & The Atlas Moth

DRIVER 23 (1999) and THE ATLAS MOTH (2001) document seven years in the life of Dan Cleveland, a Minneapolis-based rock guitarist/deliveryman and his band, Dark Horse. In spite of, or because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder, Dan is driven with an existential need to accomplish something…anything. He faces all obstacles with uncanny determination and the help of a variety of homemade inventions.

Driver 23 & The Atlas Moth
  • Driver 23

    DRIVER 23 (1999) and THE ATLAS MOTH (2001) document seven years in the life of Dan Cleveland, a Minneapolis-based rock guitarist/deliveryman and his band, Dark Horse. In spite of, or because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder, Dan is driven with an existential need to accomplish something…anyth...


  • The Atlas Moth (2001)

    Atlas Moth is the follow-up documentary to the critically acclaimed Driver 23, the story of struggling musician/courier, Dan Cleveland. Set against the snowy backdrop of Minnesota, Dan and his fellow musicians lay the groundwork for a new heavy metal album. Director Rolf Belgum crafts a compellin...